October 14, 2024

CPAAA Bylaws

Click on the Article you would like to read.


Article 1 – Name

This association shall be known as Citizen Police Academy Alumni of Aurora.

Article ll – Place

This association shall function in the City of Aurora, in the State of Illinois.

Article III – Purpose
  1. The Citizen Police Academy Alumni of Aurora (hereafter known as CPAAA) exists to assist the Aurora Police Department (hereafter known as APD) in its overall Mission.
  2. The Organization is provided education by the department in law enforcement issues and community concerns.
  3. The CPAAA supports the APD by volunteerism, fostering the belief that preservation of public welfare is the duty of every citizen.
  4. As a citizen group we will offer a helping hand to our community to improve our quality of life.
  5. We will assist the APD in developing and coordinating various projects that are meaningful, rewarding experiences for our community when necessary.
Article lV – Membership
  1. Full membership is only available to those who have completed the Citizen Police Academy as provided by the City of Aurora Police Department, State of Illinois.
  2. No person shall be denied membership in this association because of race, sex, religion or ethnic background.
  3. Only full members in good standing shall be able to vote on association business or hold office. A full member in good standing is one who is current in their dues.
  4. Honorary or Associate members may be selected by the Executive Board (hereafter known as Board) and accepted by members voting at the regular monthly meeting. These memberships are non-voting and may not hold office.
  5. Honorary members are ones who have given a lot of their time and talent to the CPAAA and would therefore receive a free membership. Examples would be Sgt. McQuinley or Officer Koster.
  6. Associate members are ones associated with the city of Aurora such as Aldermen, and their spouse, who did not attend the CPA class but who are supportive of our group.
  7. Since this is a participation driven organization, all members are expected to participate by attending meetings and functions.
  8. All members and officers will serve on a voluntary basis.
Article V – Dues and Fees
  1. Except as otherwise provided, membership requires payment to the association of annual dues which shall be set by the Board and reviewed annually, payable on or before the January meeting.
  2. Members not paying by the end of the January meeting will be dropped from the membership roll. In order to attend meetings, receive newsletters or volunteer for CPAAA activities, past members will need to be reinstated.  After the January meeting, there will be an additional $5.00 reinstatement fee required. Dues invoices shall be mailed out to the membership by the Treasurer 1 month prior to the January meeting.
  3. Associate members will be assessed $5.00. Honorary members – no charge. Both will receive our newsletter.
  4. Initial membership fee will be set by the Board and reviewed annually which will provide a member their association shirt and first year dues.
Article VI – Financial Policy
  1. Any and all funds shall be derived from dues, donations from any source, or proceeds from fundraisers.
  2. Funds secured by the CPAAA shall be used in support of the APD, and furthering the education of the CPAAA and the Citizen Police Academy (CPA) programs including the Adult CPA and Youth CPA.
  3. Any funds remaining at the end of the calendar year (year to be from January first to December thirty first) shall be carried over to the next calendar year.
  4. An audit shall be conducted at the end of any calendar year in which gross receipts total $150,000.00 or more. An independent audit shall be conducted a the end of any calendar year in which the gross receipts total $300,000.00.  This process shall insure the non-profit objective of this organization.
  5. In the event of the dissolution of this association all funds shall be disposed of according to present statutes.
  6. All requests for donations from the CPAAA must be submitted to the Board. Those requests the Board considers worthwhile must be presented to the membership for their approval.
  7. The CPAAA will pay for the registration fee for two (2) Board members and one general member to attend the National Citizen Police Academy Association. If multiple members are attending there will be a lottery to select whose registration will be paid.
  8. Funds raised for a specific purpose, shall be expended for that purpose. If the purpose ceases to exist after the funds are secured, the funds can then be reallocated by a majority vote of the board.
Article VII – Officers

The elected officers of this organization shall be as follows:

  1. President
  2. First Vice President
  3. Second Vice President
  4. Recording Secretary
  5. Treasurer
  6. Membership Coordinator
  7. Communications Coordinator

Non-elected officers shall be as follows:

  1. Past President
  2. Event Coordinator

A. The offices of President, Second Vice President, Treasurer and Membership Coordinator shall begin in even numbered years.

B. The offices of First Vice President, Recording Secretary and Communications Coordinator shall begin in the odd numbered years.

C. The duties of the officers are as follows:

  1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the organization and Executive board meetings. The President shall vote only in the case of a tie vote of the board.
  2. The First Vice President shall act as President in the absence of the President.
  3. The Second Vice President shall select all necessary committees and appoint chairperson for said committees.
  4. The Recording Secretary shall take minutes at all membership and Board meetings. Secretary will present and distribute all general membership minutes to membership.
  5. The Treasurer shall collect all moneys, pay all bills, and keep proper books of account. The treasurer shall provide monthly expense reports and give a financial statement every January.
  6. The Membership Coordinator shall chair the membership committee and, shall maintain active records of all members, active and non-active including waivers for organization activities. The Coordinator shall also manage the procurement of CPAAA shirts for new members.
  7. The Communications Coordinator shall be responsible for filing any reports required of the CPAAA by any state, local or federal statute. The Coordinator shall also act as the assistant newsletter editor and as a columnist and shall manage the content of the city of Aurora/APD web site as it pertains to the CPAAA. The Coordinator shall also investigate the use of social media to communicate with members of the organization and the community.
  8. If Past President is not able to serve, then the current President can appoint a Presidential Advisor to perform the duties of the Past President.
  9. The Events Coordinator will be the main contact for volunteer requests in order to obtain event contact name, and phone number, how many volunteers, when, where and what is expected of them along with what materials or items will be necessary (Le. table, chairs, etc).
  10. Events Coordinator will chair calling tree committee (or its equivalent) so that eligible members can be contacted for specific events. The Events Coordinator will be a voting member of the Board.

Nominating Committee/Elections

D. The nominating committee, in October, shall consist of the First Vice President and two members at large. Those interested in running for office should be a member for at least 2 years and be in good standing. They must be willing and able to attend monthly executive and general meetings. Those members who desire to hold an elected office shall notify the nominating committee. The nominating committee shall present their slate at the November meeting for those members elected taking office January 1st of the following year.

E. An uncontested slate should be accepted by verbal vote at the November meeting.

F. If nominations are added from the floor, the slate will be voted on by ballot at the December meeting.

G. The terms of said officers should be for a period of two (2) years. No officers may succeed themselves two (2) consecutive terms unless slate is uncontested and approved by membership at November meeting.

H. If an officer leaves office during their term, the replacement shall be nominated by the Board and approved by the membership.

I. The Board of this association shall have the control, direction, and general management of the affairs, business and funds of this association.

J. Committee chairman shall keep the Board updated of their respective committees. All committees should be meeting a minimum of 90 days prior to the activity. The first 30 minutes of the Board meeting is scheduled for committee chairmen and the general membership to address the Board.

Article VIII – Meetings
  1. Executive board meetings will normally be held once a month during session. All agenda items for Board meetings should be brought to the attention of the President and/or 1st Vice President no less than 3 days prior to board meetings so that members can have appropriate answers/materials available at meeting. This does not pertain to special meetings called by President or 1st Vice President.
  2. The President or 1st Vice President, upon reasonable notice to Board members may call a special meeting of the Board.
  3. The majority shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board.
  4. Membership meetings shall be held the second Tuesday of most months at a place and time to be determined by the Board. The members shall have reasonable notice of said meetings. Typically there are no general meetings in June or July.
  5. A majority vote shall decide any questions at any meeting except as otherwise herein provided.
  6. Special meetings of the members may be called by action of the President of the Board, with reasonable notice to the Membership.
Article IX – Membership Disqualification

A. A member of the CPAAA may be disqualified from this organization for the following reasons:

  1. Conviction of a felony or Class A or B misdemeanor.
  2. Violation of any policy or procedure of the APD or the lawful directives of any police officer when acting as a member of the CPAAA.
  3. Any activity or action that is disruptive to the goals and objectives of this organization.
  4. Any act that is considered unethical or would cause a negative image of the CPAAA.
  5. Any member may be removed at any time by directions of the Aurora Chief of Police, or his designated representatives without a disqualification hearing.
  6. Any member of the association, except honorary or associate may institute disqualification requests. The request must be submitted in writing to the Board, detailing the reason warranting disqualification.
  7. If the Board determines there is no justification for disqualification, the matter is dropped. The member registering the complaint will be notified of the Board’s decision.

B. The procedures for disqualification shall be as follows:

  1. Upon receipt of any disqualification request, the President shall convene a meeting of the Board at a convenient date and place.
  2. A quorum of Board members must be present.
  3. Initially, the Board shall review and discuss the disqualification request and any other pertinent, applicable information available, not to exclude the members overall performance history. This initial review shall be conducted in private, outside the presence of the member.
  4. The member shall be notified of the time and place of this meeting and invited to appear on his or her own behalf, or provide written comments in lieu of appearance.
  5. Following this initial review, member will be allowed to address the Board either in person or with a written statement to offer any information of extenuating circumstances on their behalf. At this time the Board shall go into executive session. After the Board has made its decision, the member shall be offered the option of resigning or accepting the Board’s decision.
  6. If a member is disqualified or resigns, they shall immediately surrender their identification badge and association shirt.
  7. All disqualifications shall be part of the permanent record along with the Board ruling.
  8. All disqualification issues shall be decided by a majority vote of the Board. C. Options besides total disqualification shall be as follows:
  9. No basis for disqualification.
  10. Probation for a period of no more than one year (any violation of probation shall result immediate, non-redressable disqualification).
  11. Only the final disposition of disqualification requests shall be reported to the membership (not any specifics) at the next membership meeting
Article X – Amendment(S) To By-Laws

These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the members of this association by a two-thirds vote of the members in attendance.

Notification of amendments to the By-Laws and Constitution will be given to members for review and first reading. Second reading and vote to take place at the following meeting.

Revised and approved on February 11, 2020